We’re asking you to take part in our movement. Give 40 euros a month to a student! We want to offer students the 200 euros a month they’d get as unemployed if they left school. Together, four friends can make up the missing 160 euros for a student studying for their A level exit exams. Altogether this is five friends. One less slave, one more educated European citizen who can contribute economically and socially. Let’s be friends!

Your scholarship is delivered to each student by the “Manumissio” working group. The leader of the working group, János Orsós, Waldorf educator, monitors each student’s circumstances, diligence, and results, and sends e-mail


to donors every two months. Each student also sends updates on their progress every two months via e-mail. We also organize in-person meetings for donors in Budapest.

Name of Financial Institution:
MagNet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt.

Account Owner:
Dr. Ambedkar Youth Association,
H-3532 Miskolc, Tátra utca 2., H-3720 Sajókaza, Sólyom Telep 7-9.

Account Number::

International Bank Account Number (IBAN)::
HU56 1620 0106 1161 6685 0000 0000